Andrew Lamberto – Succession Planning Best Practices

Andrew Lamberto, previously the Director of Human Resources with the County of San Bernardino, California, is a seasoned professional whose succession planning skills are respected among his associates.


In Andrew Lamberto’s words, “succession planning is a process managers go through to prepare their organization for the future leadership.” Successful instances of succession planning typically share best practices like those outlined below, and implementing them in your own organization could offer valuable results:

  • Get the Support of the CEO and Board. Succession planning can’t be just a Human Resources focus – the CEO and Board must be involved if the plan is to succeed. The CEO and Board should participate in regular reviews, offer feedback, ask questions and remain accountable for all succession planning efforts.
  • Review Talent Regularly. Regularly reviewing talent with the assistance of the CEO and Board helps identify rising stars and under performing employees. Following talent reviews, top-performers and under performers can be addressed accordingly.
  • Identify Individual Successors and Pools. Identify a handful of top individual successors that can be trained and prepared for positions that they are ideal for and then identify pools of successors. Valuable pools will allow you to prepare to fill high level positions, including those that do not yet exist.
  • Implement Identification and Development at All Levels. By putting talent identification and development procedures in all levels of the organization, your succession planning will pull from a more diverse pool of candidates.If you require assistance with succession planning, contact your organization’s Human Resources Officer. This advice is like what a professional like Andrew Lamberto might offer to improve a company’s preparedness.

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About Andrew Lamberto

Andrew Lamberto was the Director of Human Resources for the County of San Bernardino, California for over ten years. Andrew Lamberto served in a dual capacity as the Executive Administrator over two departments in the County, Risk Management and Information Services. Andrew Lamberto was one of the principal assistants to the Chief Executive Officer of the County, which employs over 21,000 people in the area.
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